I'm not between you and your ambition. I am a poster girl with no poster, I'm 32 flavors and then some.


i'm half deaf.

Yes, I am. Don't ask how it happened though, it's none of your business.

I have a traumatic perforation in my ear; in other words, my eardrum has a huge hole.

My doctor, as an immediate aid, placed a very thin piece of filter paper-like thing in my middle ear to temporarily close the hole in my eardrum. It hurt when he did that and I almost fainted. I have to go back and visit him every week for ear check up to see if my tympanic membrane would heal. If worst comes to worst, that my eardrum would not heal, however, surgery is another option.

Surgery.. *gasp*

The sad thing was, he told me that he isn't sure if my eardrum would heal by itself as I'm already an adult, and the hole was kinda big. But just the same, he said he'll put a patch in my middle ear every week, and hopefully it'd facilitate in the healing. The surgery would be the last resort, if after everything done, nothing happened.

Click on the link.Tympanic Membrane Perforation


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