I'm not between you and your ambition. I am a poster girl with no poster, I'm 32 flavors and then some.



okay.. haha.. this morning before i went to school i was listening to Magic and i just couldn't stop thinking about their topic for today. partly because it was kinda funny and crazy and the other part was because maybe (just maybe) it really is true. now on with the radio conversation. Mo Twister's philosophy on love was this: smart people end up in really bad relationships. and stupid people (okay, let's just call them 'idiots' for euphemism's sake--LOL they're just the same! but anyway..) just hit it off just right. fine, explanation! you see, people who are smart and with extremely high levels of I.Q. usually use their MINDS over their HEARTS. they tend to seek reasons for every actions; they tend to be very OBJECTIVE on almost everything--which in my opinion is true! "smart" people see themselves as "rational" beings, 'nuff said. on the other hand, not-so-smart individuals (when they stick together and then *poof* enter a relationship) live happily. why? because they make the most out of what they have. they don't "try" to find all the explanation in the world.. they accept themselves and their partner for who they are and just be casual. i hope i'm making enough sense in here because i think that Mo really has a point. unfortunately.. that brings me to the conclusion that maybe i'm not stupid. wehh don't get me wrong.. think about this, all my past relationships suck. really, yeah, they suck bigtime man. all of 'em went right into the dumps.. so what does that make me. maybe a smart one.. sometimes (just sometimes) i tend to question every action that one does. i want to understand everything that's happening in the relationship even if it's a pretty hard thing to do. i can be very annoying for some reason because i want to know the things that my partner thinks. damn.. i just realized what a sicko i can be sometimes. no wonder i couldn't get myself into something sensible and lasting. anyways, that's just something i want to let out for the moment.

and oh, can i just say that Paris Hilton is so crappy? have you ever seen her sing live? have you ever seen her promote her so-called album? NO. so what does that make her? hayyy.. okay, i'll stop criticizing her na. i just hate her face and everything about her, she ain't pretty even! hehehe.. :D


boo lovesickness!

September 23, 2005--the last time I said yes to a guy. man, it's almost been a year since that not-so-faithful day. i'm hoping that i wouldn't remember it this saturday. haha, i'm gonna be busy this weekend so it's all good.. hmmm.. sometimes though, i miss being in a relationship. i miss those giddy feelings you get up your spine whenever that special someone is around. i miss having to share life with someone significant. bottomline is, i miss those happy moments with the love of your life. however, it just sucks coz i can't imagine myself in love with someone anymore. i can't picture myself cuddled up with some random Romeo with a smile pasted on my face. you know what, i'm such a skeez when it comes to these stuff--i don't know why. i'm not sure if it's got to do with boys--or is it really me? after that that last failed relationship of mine, which took hell to get over with--i don't really know when i will let next let some guy invade and ruin my world again.. i've been through a lot of shit and i guess that made me repel guys in different ways possible. sure, i've made some crushes over the past months but i don't think i would be able to bring myself to the risk of falling in love again and eventually breaking my fragile heart in the end.

i just wish i'm just a girl without those hurts and pains in her heart. but i am Natasha, the one who was taken for granted over time.. but thank God, i was able to withstand those blows thrown upon me. goodluck to any boy who'll try to step into my little kingdom--i promise i will give you a hard time. hehe! *kidding*

i now impart to you this lovely message from God:

"No man will ever claim you unless he claims you from Me. For I reserved a man for you who has My heart and loves Me even more than he will for you. For I won't give you unless he asks you from Me. He's asleep; don't wake him. He's busy for Me, My kingdom. Soon you will know him, but I have the perfect time. You're My PRINCESS, My daughter. Let no prince claim you unless he asks you from My hand for I am your Father, the KING of Kings. YOU, My princess, ARE WORTH WAITING FOR.



holla at you!


i've no more time for blogging lately and i guess i never will have enough time for it anymore unlike before.. hehe. okay so i fixed my schedule yesterday, i'm happy now. though of course it wasn't easy adjusting one's sked. i like waited in line for four hours just to be entertained in the vice dean's office in less than 3 minutes. hayzz well at least i came out of it..

here it is.. mwahaha!

Course Code Section Units Day Time Room

ARTCOMP A55 3.0 T 1300 - 1430 M213
H 1300 - 1430 G404

BIOLPSY A51 3.0 TH 0940 - 1110 J303

BIOSYLA A51 2.0 MWF 0810 - 1010 J309

LITERA1 A92 3.0 MWF 1030 - 1130 M321

STAT102 A51 3.0 TH 1620 - 1750 J302

THEOPER A55 3.0 MF 1250 - 1420 Y503

i swear to God i'm gonna give it my bestest best shot this term. hehe.. i'm not gonna aim for the dean's list. i'm gonna strive to study hard and i suppose that'll come naturally. i hope that came out right. lolz..

i'm excited coz i'm back to bs-psyc. haha, just hope i won't be a major psycho the moment i graduate. *toinks* cheers..