I'm not between you and your ambition. I am a poster girl with no poster, I'm 32 flavors and then some.



I believe so much in fairy tales as a little girl.
I would always bug my dad about buying me a new tape that I could sit down and watch while doing my puzzles and legos.
I grew up knowing that there's someone out there for me.
Just for me.

I stumbled upon relationship upon relationship in the past.
In search for the right one, I got myself entangled with the wrong ones..
I got crushed, broken, and miserable.
It took me a long while to put my missing pieces back together,
and that's when you came.

I was like an innocent child.
I didn't know what to do, because though you were there for me all this time, the feeling was different.
It was weird; but it felt good.
And so I fell under your spell.

...to be continued


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